Doraemon Film Watching|Event Review

According to your generation, "ドラえもん" is translated as "Robot Cat", "Doraemon" or "Blue Fatty". That variety of names shows just how popular and accessible this Japanese comic book and animation series has been to Chinese children - young and old - for many decades.

BSM’s Year 3 students recently joined up with students of the Shanghai Student Film Society in organizing the Songjiang premiere of the latest Doraemon movie at the Dongding DFC Cinema. After researching several suitable brands, this student group settled on this contemporary brand phenomenon, devising a suitable event strategy then executing their plan successfully.

In the build-up to the activity, students designed invitations, distributing them among teachers and other prospective guests.

The promotional materials were inspired by a 'retro' design concept. By realizing the invitation as a CD in a jewel case, recipients were reminded of Asia's thriving V-CD era – when movies like Doraemon were physically distributed as rentals or purchases.

On the day of the event, students distributed specially-designed coupons, as well as handing out movie-related paraphernalia, such as plastic figurines, to attendees of the film.

The event was well-attended, despite taking place on a working-day (homework) evening. And it wasn’t only the children who were laughing in the cinema auditorium!

This was a real business project, organized independently by the BSM students who enrolled in 2018. The business partner expressed high praise to the students, professing a desire to continue the cooperation in future.

Students gained yet more solid practical experience, learning how to adapt abstract concepts into tangible designs and real social interaction.